What Is The Church’s Role In Society?

We have all probably heard people say that the Church needs to stay out of politics. Likely you’ve heard someone say that the Church needs to stay out of the bedroom. So, just where is the Church’s role in our modern society? Find out in today’s message.

The simple answer is to say, the Church’s role and responsibility in society is to contribute to the common good. But that simple answer falls short. Another answer might be, the Church needs to bring the good news of Jesus Christ into every aspect of life and to every corner of the world. The real answer is a combination of both of the above.

Christ’s Church has a duty to radiate the light of Christ over the entire earth. It is not optional! The Church must actively participate in public life, at all levels of society. It must serve the needs of all people.

The Church must offer the enlightenment of the Gospel to the most remote places on earth while bringing the Gospel to the darkest corners of every human soul. It must guide people, especially young people and our future leaders, in making decisions based on Christian moral teachings.

The Church has a responsibility to promote human dignity and address contemporary social issues. This includes issues like the dignity of the human person, justice, the family, the truth regarding human sexuality, the environment, and the search for peace and a just economic and political order.

The Church must always have the courage to speak uncomfortable truths that are necessary for the authentic good of society. That is exactly what Jesus did. He spoke uncomfortable truths into the world.

The Church must be careful never to turn a blind eye to dissent. It must address difficult issues head on, but with the heart and mind of Christ. The Church has an obligation to properly form the consciences of the faithful.

The Church should engage in the ongoing mission to provide theological and spiritual formation. This includes bringing the revelation of Christian social doctrine into each and every aspect of society. The Church must provide the proper foundation to prepare individual Christians to fulfill their role in society as a follower of Jesus Christ.

The Church must speak up and address any scandal caused by politicians holding public office. It must take every opportunity to advance Christian positions into the public discourse and into the media, which is often hostile towards Christianity.

When, in our modern society, questions of traditional moral doctrines arise, the Church must address these issues with sound fundamental Biblical truths.

The Church can never shy away from engaging in dialogue with people of other religions and all people of good will. The Church should seek cooperation with people of all faiths without ever watering down its fundamental belief in the essentiality of Jesus Christ for salvation.

The Church must encourage unity among the various Christian denominations. The Church must encourage Christians everywhere to work and pray together. The Church must seek to engage in dialogue with people of other religions.

In summary, the Church must always make its presence known in every corner of society. The Church must promote human dignity. And it must address the social issues of the day.

Up until now I have been using the collective term “The Church.” This begs the question, “Who is the Church?”  Many of us grew up learning this children’s rhyme. “Here is the church. Here is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” While this may seem silly, simple and childlike, it is packed with a profound, powerful truth. The Church is its people. You and I are “The Church!”

As individual Christians, whether in public life, as professionals, teachers, businessmen, civil servants, politicians, or in private life as individual Christians going about our mundane everyday lives, we are all expected to bear witness to goodness, truth, justice, and love of God and to share the saving power of Jesus Christ.

We are called to nothing less than to be transforming agents of society through the “leaven” of the Gospel.” We must permeate society with Christian values! We must bring the “Good News” to each of our individual circles of influence.

So, back to where we started. Should the Church have an impact on politics? And should the moral teachings of the Church be present in the bedrooms and the sexual norms of society? The answer is a resounding YES! The Church, in other words, you and I, should bring the influence of sound Christian doctrines and principles to every aspect of human life.

How are we doing?

Heavenly Father, being a Christian and a follower of your Son, Jesus Christ, brings with it an important responsibility. I know I am called to bring my Christian beliefs and values into every aspect of my life. Help me to never shy away from this responsibility. Grant me the courage to carry out my calling. Amen! 


Special Reminder

I encourage you to send our new brochure to your pastor or the person at your church who is in charge or arranging retreats. I would love to put on a retreat at your church. Please click this link to download our brochure and email it today.



As always, I love to hear from you. You can email me by clicking here.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts about today’s message below.

Brian Pusateri
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  1. Mary Lou on July 24, 2024 at 8:13 am

    We the church need to stand up for what’s right now more than ever.
    Thank you for reminding us.

    • Brian Pusateri on July 25, 2024 at 7:59 am

      May Lou

      Yes we do! Thanks for your post.


  2. Fr. Virgil Petermeier, osc on July 23, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    This message is absolutely great!!! Your emphasis on the Church needing to pay attention to and be involved in all aspects of life comes through clearly and brilliantly.
    I appreciated you additional calls for us to dialog with other faiths. You call us to be prophetical–speaking up against injustice and scandals; You call us to be ecumenical, building bridges with our Christian sisters and brothers of other Christian Churches.
    Thank you for the powerful message. I agree 150%
    P.S. I am emailing you a pastoral letter as a sign of fulfillment of what you have said.

    • Brian Pusateri on July 24, 2024 at 5:30 am

      Fr. Virgil

      Thank you I did receive that powerful letter. Thank you!! And, thank you for your post and for sharing your thoughts.


  3. Joseph B Galloway on July 23, 2024 at 3:56 pm

    As we say in Cursillo – I am the church, you are the church, We are the church!

  4. Noreen on July 23, 2024 at 2:00 am

    ,Hi Brian. I just finish writing the Laity talk. You had some info in your message that I may go back and insert, especially the ending prayer.
    I hope you are well.

    • Brian Pusateri on July 23, 2024 at 7:20 am


      I know you will give a great talk. I am well and I hope you are too.


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